Your path can make the difference

"Success is a journey not a destination."
Ben Letterman

I read this phrase in a Mizuno's advertising a month ago.
Do I agree with that? I thought a thousand times... and couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe there was some kind of "secret of happiness" in it... Maybe not. But the thing is that after a while I realized it has a lot to say, so this is what this post is about.

People often live of making plans in order to guarantee a successful future. Sometimes thinking that one day they won't have to fight in "battles" anymore. They'll won and that's it. But the truth is that battles never finish.

When you are a child your battle is to finish school. Then you get older and have to finish high school. After that, your struggles become what course you will take at the university... Ufff, you've done all that... you must find a job... where? how? am I going to be good at it? how much? You think "things will get better when I find a better job". You get it! After a while, it isn't enough... you get married, have a family, there are a lot of expenses... you think about working long hours to get some extra money, but just for a short time... you want to buy a car, plus you need to save money to be able to buy a house in the future... The future comes... you have all this. You thought you'd be able to relax and enjoy... but now you'll have to keep all your goods and help your kids, that now are getting married and having their children.

In our lives we create expectations for some sort of future that many times never come. It happens because we expect it to be the end of our frustation, stress, struggles, challenges and the consolidation of our success, happiness, freedom, tranquility.

When we think of it as a destination, we get frustrated. We live the present planning a great future and when it comes we realize it is ephemeral. It isn't endless because life is a journey. Also it is success which it is daily conquered by our attitudes, by the path we choose. No one can get in the south if running to the north. So don't give the responsability of your happiness to the future. Put your hands to work and make the difference now. Because this is what will give you more chances of being successful. And remember to keep doing it, because it's a journey, not a destination.

When travelling, enjoy planning as much as doing the trip itself. It will guarantee you more time of excitement. When working, celebrate each step you make, and your path will be more enjoyable. When living, be thankful for every bless you receive, and you'll be able to see how wonderful your life is.

Wish you have a great week! :o)


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Anônimo disse…
Hi Tathiana
Was surfing net n came across ur blog, really well written n much appreciated.

Every morning wen i wake i thank god for showing me a beautifull day!

Yazi disse…
Hi Tathi,
very nice post, so true.
A lot of time we put our happiness on someday, someday when we will have enough money, someday when we will find perfect job, right partner, more time etc etc. That someday might never show up..
as you say its a journey not destination, can't agree more!! :)
hope your having great weekend too,
Harmony disse…
wow..really success is nicely defined as a journey to heaven..good cr.
lemon disse…
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krystyna disse…
Hi Tathiana!
"Success is a journey not a destination." - so true words.
Thank you for this great post!
Good luck!
Eduardo Waghorn disse…
Hello Tathiana, I want to send greetings from Chile.
Nice blog and pics...
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
@sharm: thanks so much for the invitation. It's going to be a pleasure to contribute to so interesting blog.

@Anu: thank you for dropping by. I really appreciated.

@Yazi: hi my friend. thanks!

@Pankaj: Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. yes, i agree with you. God is before everything.

@lemonade: Thank you dear. I'll write back to you.

@Krys: I am glad you liked it. God bless.

@Eduardo: Thanks for your visit and your kind words. Nice to meet you!

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