What really matters

A man alone can't change the world but if every person does a little, we together can do it.

How many times have you doubt about the real meaning of life? About the reason why you live and what is really important. How many people make plans for the future, but waist the present for that? Why do we exist?

I am sure that we were not created to earn a lot of money, become famous and buy a new car or a diamond ring. The most precious thing is that we were created to help each other, to give smiles, to embrace, to cry, to love and be loved. That's the reason of our existence.

So here is my advice: start focusing in what really matters. Everything you do only for yourself ends by the time you die, but everything you do for the others live forever.

So what little thing have you started doing yet?

"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can." (Sydney Smith)


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