Divide to Multiply :: Divida para Multiplicar

"If two men are walking on different roads,
each one of them carrying one piece of bread,
and, when meeting, they exchange their bread,
each of them goes away with one...

But if two men are walking on different roads,
each one of them carrying an idea,
and, when meeting, they exchange ideas,
each man goes away with two..."

Whenever possible, exchange ideas...
they clarify, add, help, evolve,
and even if you think you don't need them,
believe that they might serve for others.

(unknown author)

"Se dois homens vêm andando por uma estrada,
cada um carregando um pão,
e, ao se encontrarem, eles trocam os pães,
cada homem vai embora com um...

Porém, se dois homens vêm andando por uma estrada,
cada um carregando uma idéia,
e, ao se encontrarem, eles trocam as idéias,
cada homem vai embora com duas..."

Sempre que possível troque idéias...
elas esclarecem, acrescentam, ajudam, evoluem...
ainda que você pense que não precise,
servirão para o outro.

(autor desconhecido)


Yazi disse…
hey welcome back!!

Glad to see you back. I personally been away last year pretty much, but now getting back to blogging.

N this is perfect post, such a great idea for exchanging ideas, I think this is exactly why I started blogging, I thought that blogging is such a great tool. It starts flow of conversations, ideas and opens up to new point of views etc..
Hopefully I can be regular at it this time around :)

Good Day!

yazi ~/
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Awww, that's so true! Blogging just makes our minds fresh and the ideas flow... :) Cool!
See ya!

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