Living... not just existing

This week I've thought I couldn't post anything. How could I write about happiness if inside my heart was crying? I've had some struggles and a great loss in my family. My uncle has passed away after suffering from a heart attack. He would get married in 3 months, that was his dream.

Why? I thought. What does that mean? I knew there was something else to learn from that. I believe it always has, although many times we don't see. This questions ended up as I read an e-mail that showed me the difference from living and existing.

"The last day"

That was his last day, but he didn't know. In that morning, he wanted to stay in bed a little longer. He was tired and hasn't had a good night of sleep. He gave up the idea, thinking of how many things he should do at the office. He got ready automatically, paying no attention to his exausted semblant, result of so many nights without sleep. He had his coffee in a hurry and left, wishing a good morning that couldn't convince even himself. He disconsidered his wife's lips, who offered a kiss of good-bye. He couldn't understand why she complained so much about his absence, since he was being able to mantain a high standard of life for his family.

In the car he called his daugther. He smiled as she told him his great son has given his first steps. He became serious again as she reminded him that for long time he hasn't showed up to see his great son. She invited him for lunch, but he refused. He would love to see them, but that day he couldn't be absent from the company. Maybe next weekend, he thought.

He arrived at the office and badly said hi to his co-workers. He was full of compromises so decided to start right away. For lunch, he had a sandwich and a diet soda that he asked to his secretary to buy. His colesterol has high; he needed a check-up but that would be for the next month. He ate it fast while reading some papers he would use in the afternoon meeting. He felt dizzy and remembered of his doctor warning, but thought it was temporary, needing only a strong coffee without sugar.

After lunch, he continued his work. More papers to read, more decisions to make, more compromises. Leaving late for a meeting he decided not to wait for the elevator. He ran down the stairs, got into the car and felt dizzy again, but also felt a strong pain in his heart.

He became out of breath... the pain increased... everything disappeared from his eyes as he started seeing scenes of a film he knew very well... his wife, great son, daughter, and all people he liked most. Why didn't he have lunch with his daugther and great son? What did his wife say while he was leaving the house this morning? The pain has continued but now he felt a greater one: the repentance.

He heard the noise of something breaking inside his heart and his eyes cried silent tears. He wanted to live, to have another chance, he wanted to go back home and kiss his wife, hug his daugther, play with his great son... He wanted but there was no more time.

Many people live as if they would never die and die without living. May we never forget the real meaning of life.


Yazi disse…
Hi Tathi, i am so sorry to hear about your uncle. I was wondering if everything was ok with you as i didn't see you for a while. I am sure its a very hard time for you and family after such a great loss.
May God give you and all family peace in such hard times.. You are right that we are living life like it goes on forever and we will have another day to tell the loved ones. How easy have we forget that we are in this world but not of this world. so we should be thankful & greatful to everyone today!

thanks for reminding us with this post, hope you feel better! take care../
krystyna disse…
Hi Tathiana!
I'm so sorry about your uncle.(hugs)
We always learn something from life's situations, specialy from an ado.
"The last day" is very illuminating leter. I would like to place it on my blog some day if you agree. OK? I think it is worth to share for more, more people. Today, I made copy and sent it to my family and friends by email.

What a true word you said:

Many people live as if they would never die and die without living. May we never forget the real meaning of life.

God bless you!
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Hi Yazi,
Thank you for your support.
It was a tough week, but now things are getting better.

The truth is that God only gives us what we are able to carry. That's why we should never give up standin' up after falling down.

Take care and God bless you.
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Hey Krys,

You're so kind. Thanks for the hugs! :o)

Please feel free to take this letter and post it. This is actually a translation, since I got it in portuguese.
I've tried to find an english version at google but couldn't find it. So I myself decided to translate it.

About the verse "Many people live as if they would never die and die without living" is an adaptation of a verse from Dalai Lama, which version was in portuguese, when I read. That's why I didn't quote it.

Again, feel always free to get what is of your interest. In fact, it makes me feel very happy.

God bless your week!
krystyna disse…
Thank you so much. I'll tell you when I'll get.
Wow! you translated it from Portuguese? Hard work. I admire you!
Best to you!
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Thank you Krys! :o)

I did my best but it probably has some grammar mistakes. It's hard to keep a good english living in your own country :(

Life is interesting. I admire you for havin' a such nice blog and so many readers.

Best to you too!
confessing7girl disse…
im very sorry for ur loss and that post was just so heartbreaking and true, all the best for u!!
kisses and hugs!!
ps- o teu inglês é óptimo!!

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