What I love in the countryside!

My trip to the countryside was awesome! A bit of what (and who) I've seen there...
Minha viagem para o interior foi tudo de bom! Um pouco do que (e de quem) eu vi por lá...

There is much more at my Flickr album. Why don't you check it out? :P
Tem muito mais no meu álbum de fotos do Flickr. Por que você não dá uma conferida? :P


Philly disse…
Thank you leaving me a comment @ my blog. Your blog reminds me the little things that would possibly bring the happiness to me! I definitely would come back and read more. Glad that you are a christian as well : ). God will bless you who finds happiness during the life time in Him. adiós!
Unknown disse…
Wow, what amazing photographs!! Just breath-taking! I am a photographer, too...come take a peek! http://vwcphotography.blogspot.com

I had the amazing chance of getting to visit your city in 2000. Unbelievable!! I wish I had a better camera at that time to take pictures such as yours. Really wonderful.
Unknown disse…
que isso em irado esse lugar o paraiso vc estava ........bjs
Yazi disse…
these are very nice pics!

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