Inspired in a romance

I've just finished reading the book The Kite Runner from Khaled Hosseini. I found it amazing and touching. A beautiful story that I highly recommend in case you haven't read it yet.

"For you, a thousand times over!" he said to his friend.

I kept thinking of how special a relationship must be for someone to say that. I believe it has to exist a sentiment, strong enough to make everything worth it, even a sacrifice.

Other amazing thing is to know that, when done by heart, this 'sacrifice' can be transformed in such happiness for the person who does it.

As written in the book Minutes of Wisdom:

Always try to give the most you can...
a good word...
a smile...
a gesture of incentive...
a generous thought...
And you will feel the greatest truth in your heart: is much better to give than to receive!
Haven't you noticed it yet? Try it then!
Help someone with no interest, and observe how it will come and knock at your door, with hands full of joy, the greatest happiness that you could ever known in your life:
the happiness of giving!

This post has just reminded me of a few people. Yes, it's really good to love.


Yazi disse…
:) it was a same thought weekend for us, lol

i read somewhere that a successful person is always looking for doing something somewhere for someone, as a human beings when somebody does something good for us, our natural tendency is to reply them with same ways..

Thanks for bring that book in to my attention, i will add it to my to do reading list (;

Anônimo disse…
keep it blazin
Anônimo disse…
Hi Tathiana!
Amazing post...
And how true it is!
I will be try to read this book.
Have a Great Day!
Steve disse…
Hello Tathiana,
I am glad to see your blog. What a great positive title about being happy. I enjoyed reading your last few posts and my visit here, thank you.
Good Day!

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