What's the difference of being different?

Yesterday I felt like Shrek... not belonging to the world.
I felt like a stranger and that made me feel really sad.
But you know what? Today I see a positive side of it.

I mean... what is the point of being like everyone?
Being different doesn't mean, in the first place, being wrong.
Being different means being yourself.
How many brilliant and talented people have contributed to the world? Weren't they different? That's why they could make the difference.

From this point of view, I kinda like the idea of being different. In fact, I love that!
Check out what people think about being different...

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." (Coco Chanel)

"Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." (Cecil Beaton)

"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences." (M. Scott Peck)

"Always show the you in you that makes you the you that you are." (Chidinma Obietikponah)

"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free." (Charles Evans Hughes)

Therefore, we should always respect the difference and never let anyone bring us down.

Have a niiiiiiiiiiiiiice week! :o)


J29A disse…
the Case helps to complete its course... visits mine blog. we look at ourselves
krystyna disse…
What a beautiful difference your friendship has made.
Great post, Tathiana!
Good luck!
krystyna disse…
"There are moments when one special friend makes a diference that no one else can make."
Unknown disse…
You can't be the same as everyone else, the only person you be is yourself.
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Thanks for all comments!
Krys, it's really nice to have your friendship. You are too kind. :o)
Yazi disse…
Very nice post,
some of the most successful people in this world are those who went against norms, who did things differently!

Thanks! see you!
btw how have you been??
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Hey Yazi,

Nice hearing from you! :o)
It has been a while since my last post. I haven't had time to write...

I also thought about not having a blog anymore but I couldn't. It is important for me to express my feelings in words.

Every time I am feeling down I write a post about it in order to change my way to think.

Thank you for your support. It encourages me to keep writing. ;o)
Take care!
krystyna disse…
I Tathiana!
You couldn't stop writing posts. Your writing is wonderful, helpful and inspiring. Even not offten is better than nothing.
Keep up your work!
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Hey Krys,
You are an inspiration and example, a very good blogger friend. I'll keep writing, dear! ;o) Thanks!

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