
I am impressed by the fact that most people doesn't know what is really important in their lives. In fact, everybody knows what is best and could make their own top 10 list, but theory sometimes is far away from the reality. I myself have had a hard time trying to balance my priorities. And it seems that I never get it.

I had a teacher in my master who used to compare economy to a short blanket. He used to say "If the country reduces the interests in order to acelerate the economy, it will suffer from inflation. On the other hand, if it increases the interests in order to control the inflation, it will suffer from stagnation". From that I want to make a parallel to our lives. To cover all we need or want we sometimes change our priorities. In this way, we are constantly trying to balance our lives, though not always with success.

Since the last few weeks I've had some struggles. I've had no answer for them or maybe I just couldn't see their real importance. This weekend something became clear in my mind. Actually I got this 'message' from another situation a week before but I didn't give much attention to it. Now it is weekend and I am sick on my bed. Fever.

It's amazing how many desires we have in life. To have a good job; to be well paid; to be gorgeous, smart and thin; to buy a big house and a brand new car; to have great kids and a perfect wife or husband; and so on.

That's ok. It's good for us to have dreams and ambitions. They are great motivation. I also have many desires like that. The point is we usually forget other things that are much more important than all this stuff, just because we consider them as 'default'. We just remember them when we miss them. In example, when you are sick, you feel like you would give all you have just to be healthy again. When you are facing a hard time your priorities change; your old ambitions disappear.

Ask anyone who is sick what is the most important thing for them to have. Ask anyone who has lost someone in their family what they would ask for, if they could.

What I want to say is that we must remember what is really essencial in our lives. Never put yourself, your religion, family, friends, hobbies or whatever is important to you, aside. I know that other stuff might demand more attention for some time. But don't make it endless. We usually think we have time to do everything in the future. But we don't, unless we learn how to balance our lives. I say that to myself before anyone cause I must learn that too. And I felt like writing about this in my blog because in someway I thought it could be helpful.

May we always be thankful to God for these 'default' blesses, because they do make our dreams possible!!! I am very happy with the idea of starting swimming this week.

Ummm... it's so good to know that one day I'll get there! :o)


Anônimo disse…
Hi Tathi! Don't be shy emailing us when you are going through struggles, we will pray for you here in Vancouver! Even if you think it's a small matter, like a cold or fever. We are always here for you backing you up in prayer when you need us.
Love, Fari your Persian Bro
Anônimo disse…
This rings a loud bell here Tathi. Of recent I have been trying to pack way too much in my bag of everyday things and not assigning enough time for everything. This usually leaves me with a lingering guilt and thus the drive to push limits. That's motivation as you remarked, but it drains a lot of energy out of you and the body gives up.

I'm sick tonight and would stay away from work tomorrow.

Hope you also take rest and get better.
Philly disse…
I hope you get well...Drinking sufficient water and good sleep will be helpful.
I agree that wasting the life is the crime to God. I felt guilty at that point. A good reminder to me.
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
My brother Fari,
Thanks a lot for the kind words and the prayers. Next time I promisse I won't be shy! :o)

Harsh, hope you feel better soon!
don't push yourself too hard okay... take care :(

Thanks Philly.
You are so right when you mention God as the first reason for you to take care of your life and those around you. I am glad you brought it up. :o)
Yazi disse…
Soo right,
In pursue of material things sometimes we forget to stop and admire the things that we already have & take em for granted, like our family, friends, sun rise, flowers etc.
I agree rather than living haphazard we should have purpose driven life, purpose to serve others those who are below us & enjoying the journey along the way to achievement.
Thanks, good luck! (:
Yazi disse…
oh btw..

happy Valantines Day Friend!

wishing better day than good/ (:
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Thanks for your always-good-comments Yazi! :D
Leesa disse…
Sometimes being balanced is not healthy. Sometimes we have to intensely concentrate on one thing - think of a new mother, for instance. Totally committed to that precious soul. And that is okay.

We don't, as you say, have time for everything. So we must choose how we spend our time wisely. With that in mind, why watch television, for instance?
Tathiana Sobroza disse…
Thanks Leesa for your words. You are definitely right when you say that sometimes it is important to concentrate more in one thing or another.

If this decision makes the person happy, as a new mother with her baby would be, that is completely ok.

But when it turns to a sacrifice or something against your nature, than it is better to stop and focus in what really matters.

*Thanks for visiting my blog. I will visit yours as well. :o)

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