Why am I happy today?

I'm a happy person... :)
And I think everybody has a daily reason to be happy too!
So... that's the idea of this blog... to remind ourselves how happy we are or should be!
Hope you enjoy! ;)
And today... I am happy because I have a new blog!
And you???

Eu sou uma pessoa feliz... :)
E acho que todo mundo tem ao menos uma razão diária para ser feliz também!
Então... essa é a idéia deste blog... de lembrar a nós mesmos como somos felizes ou deveríamos ser!
Espero que goste! ;)
E hoje... Eu estou feliz porque tenho um blog novo!
E você???


Unknown disse…
I'm happy cuz you have a new blog too!
Anônimo disse…
Hi my dear friend! Your blog is really a great idea and the message about happiness is also a good one.
I'm happy too! Happy for being your friend.
I hope you still being a happy person, cuz you deserve all hapiness of the world!
God is always with you... You know He is!

All my love,

Unknown disse…
oi my friend foto linda beijos fuiiiiiiiiiiii
Anônimo disse…
bem no momento eu to feliz pq as 23h20 da vespera do feriado estou saindo do trabalho... nao passei de 0h, uhuuuuuuu!!!
te adoro migaa, td bem q vc nem quer me ver, ne, mas vc e legal msm assim. bjaum
Anônimo disse…
Oh yeah.. A swank new blog makes one happy 'for sure'... BUt dont do that everyday.. lol.

I will keep track of your blog.. post some good pictures and have fun...

Anônimo disse…
adorei o seu BLOG... foto linda!!! um beijo, um abraço e um queijo!!!
Anônimo disse…
Hi my dear friend! That's really nice about what you wrote today. It seems that some people do worry about the nature and want to care and preserve it... So do you, right? I'm sure you do! You're a nice person, you are always worried about everything around you... I think must be more people like you in the world... For sure it would be better!
Keep going in this way!
Anônimo disse…
Have you given up on blogging? That's too bad. You have a nice perspective.

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