The sunshine after the storm...

This morning I slept in... I didn't go to the gym... I was in a bad mood...
In my commute I got a traffic jam, arrived late at my work, and a friend gave me bad news.
For an instant I thought I wouldn't have a reason to be happy today...
But... then, I looked at the sky... the sun was there, beautiful... Strong!
After so many rainy and blue days...
My heart was filled with happiness as I realized tomorrow is another day... :)

Esta manhã eu dormi demais... não fui pra academia... estava de mau humor...
No meu caminho pro trabalho peguei um engarrafamento, cheguei atrasada no trabalho, e uma amiga me deu uma péssima notícia.
Por um instante pensei que não teria razão para estar feliz hoje...
E então, olhei para o céu... o sol lá estava, bonito... Forte!
Depois de tantos dias tristes e chuvosos...
Meu coração encheu-se de alegria ao perceber que amanhã é outro dia... :)


Anônimo disse…
Tathiana querida.. the sun is not so bright here but your blog page totally is... white and bright. :)

ok. next time I will come up with a better comment.

till then, stay happy.
Scotsman disse…
May you never lose that optimistic nature of yours.

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