Some of you know I love photography. My friend told me about a website where you can upload your photos, choose keywords (tags), comment, and best of all, easily!
I was impressed by the photos I've seen... I loved the idea, so I created an account and uploaded some of my pics... I'll keep it updated...
You can check them out at
Take advantage and make an account for you too! ;)

Alguns de vocês já sabem que eu amo fotografia. Meu amigo me falou sobre um site onde você pode colocar suas fotos, escolher palavras-chave, fazer comentários, e melhor de tudo, facilmente!
Eu fiquei impressionada com as fotos que vi... Eu amei a idéia, então criei uma conta e coloquei algumas das minhas fotos... Vou mantê-lo atualizado...
Você pode conferir no link
Aproveite e faça uma conta você também! ;)


Scotsman disse…
You might find this hard to believe but I was actually checking out your flickr account as you were reading my blog just there. You have a great eye and wonderful talent and right now I have this green-eyed jealous monster thing going on.
I did comment on your picture blog before but for some reason the comment didn't stay, I'm having this love/hate relationship between me and blogger the past couple weeks, sometimes a comment stays, sometimes it disappears. Not sure what is going on there but once I figure it out I'll be much happier :)
Anyway your pictures on your blog only helped to add Rio to the places I would like to visit.

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